cimplx. Blog

Should You Reimburse Staff for a Home Office?

What challenges have your employees been facing, and how can you offer the solutions they need? Deciding on a home office reimbursement policy can be the difference between successful work-at-home policies and dysfunction, disgruntlement and maybe even lawsuits.

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Digital Tools for HR and Payroll

In the world of digitization that we all exist in today, the question is not whether you incorporate technology as part of your business operations, but rather whether you are making use of tools that work in your company’s favor. For instance, you will want to take advantage of tools that make it easy to automate HR-related activities and manage functions pertaining to your company’s payroll.

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Just-in-Time Learning: What Employers Need To Know

Corporate training delivery has become significantly advanced over the years. One of the most notable transformations is digital learning, which allows employers to administer employee training quickly, conveniently and efficiently through an online platform. 

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New Manager

How To Be a Manager

As businesses strive for greater efficiency, managers today are managing more functions and more employees than managers did in the past. Meanwhile, in some companies, management training and mentorship programs have fallen by the wayside. This means that new managers are often responsible for learning on the job, but that's no reason not to invest in yourself. The key to thriving as a new manager is to learn constantly and build relationships with more experienced managers yourself if no mentorship program is available.

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Your Tax Obligations As an Employer

You need time and energy to run and grow your business, so you've outsourced your payroll process. You decided to go with a third-party payroll provider to handle some or all of your employment tax duties.

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Employee Wellness vs. Employee Well-Being

As a way of encouraging engagement and productivity in the workplace, a lot of employers will offer wellness benefits to their employees. In March 2021, analytics and advisory company Gallup reported that approximately 85% of large employers give their employees the opportunity to enroll in wellness programs.

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New Business? Start With Payroll

Congratulations — you're a business owner. Now it's time to get some help — employees. But before you advertise for help, you need to get yourself up to speed with the entire process of paying your employees.

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How to Handle a Reappearing No-Call/No-Show Employee

A no-call/no-show is an employee who failed to show up for work as scheduled without notifying his or her employer. The consequences of the violation depend on the employer's policy. Many employers terminate no-call/no-show employees if they haven't heard from them in three business days.

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How to Manage a Payroll Schedule

Learn how to create an effective payroll budget to avoid wondering how and where your money was spent.  Creating a payroll budget helps you understand what percentage of your budget should go to payroll and enables you to stay on track throughout the year. Generally, payroll should account for about 15% to 30% of your company’s gross income, but with service industries, costs can be as high as 50%.

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